Since everything we use these days seem like running on electricity, most homes have multiple power outlets and/or power boards in every room that are used consistently. Many appliances mean many cables to be plugged. But are you sure that you have enough powerpoints to support your electrical needs? This is why you should always exercise extreme caution whenever you’re dealing with electricity. Never overload your electrical powerpoints.
If you’re searching for the best licensed electrician in the Brisbane area and surrounds (Alderley, Ashgrove, Bardon, Newmarket, Paddington, The Gap), look no further than Allyn White Electrical.
These days, we demand a lot from our powerpoints with more and more appliances. Not only it’s unsightly (that’s why they’re behind the sofa, right?), it poses dangerous hazards as well.
What Is an Electrical Powerpoint Overload?
Electrical power points and electrical circuits are designed to handle a limited amount of electricity. Circuits are made up of wiring, a breaker (or a fuse, in old wiring systems), and devices (such as light fixtures, appliances, and anything plugged into an outlet). The electricity usage of each device (when running) adds to the total LOAD on your power point and the circuit. Exceeding the rated load for the circuit wiring causes the circuit breaker to trip, shutting off the power to the entire circuit.
How To Spot A Circuit Overload
Every household’s meter box contains a series of overload protection devices, which are designed to cut power to particular circuits when the amperage has been exceeded. Generally, the two main devices are fuses and circuit breakers.
The most obvious sign of an electrical circuit overload is a breaker tripping and shutting off all the power. Other signs can be less noticeable:
• Dimming lights, especially if lights dim when you turn on appliances or more lights.
• Buzzing outlets or switches.
• Outlet or switch covers that are warm to the touch.
• Burning odours from outlets or switches.
• Scorched plugs or outlets.
• Power tools, appliances, or electronics that seem to lack sufficient power.
If a fuse or circuit breaker blows or trips in your meter box, then it usually means there is a problem with the circuit. This can cause an electrical overload that can lead to major electrical problems.
How To Protect Your House Against An Overload
Never Plugging On Too Many Appliances
Many older style homes have only one or two power points per room, so the temptation is to plug in a double adaptor or power board to increase the number of outlets. This is quite acceptable, providing they are used in moderation.
The problem occurs when people piggyback one double adaptor on top of another or plug double adaptors into power boards and even power boards into power boards. This is guaranteed to exceed the circuit’s amperage and is a house fire waiting to happen.
The alternative is to only use appliances one or two at a time, to turn appliances off or unplug them when not in use, or ideally to have an electrician install another power point in the room.
Know Your Electrical System
Your home’s electrical system is potentially more complicated and dangerous than you realise.
The best way to avoid overloading your power circuit is to know what circuits run through which part of the house and what powerpoints belong to which circuit. This way you can easily avoid demanding too much from your power circuits.
Familiarise yourself with the location of your power meter, fuse box and switchboard. But most importantly, if you are ever concerned or have any electrical problems in Brisbane, let a licensed electrician like Allyn White Electrical to take care of it and never try to do any electrical DIY works yourself.
Have Electrical Items Tagged And Tested
Many companies offer tagging and testing services with technicians who will test your power boards and portable electronic equipment. They will not only look for noticeable damage but will perform electrical tests to look for polarity, earth resistance, leakage current and insulation resistance. They’ll then tag them to confirm their safety.
Organise An Electrical Safety Inspection
Organise a qualified technician for an electrical inspection. Letting them tour your premise and check on load levels is the best way to protect against overload. The technician will also be able to suggest an electrical design that best suits your needs and prevents you from having to resort to unsafe methods of powering your appliances.
Consult a Licensed Electrician in Brisbane
If you need help with fuses or circuit breakers that are regularly tripping in Brisbane, contact Allyn White Electrical today. With over 45 years of experience in all aspects of domestic, industrial, commercial and emergency electrical work, Allyn will be able to assist with your electrical problems in Brisbane.
For a free quote by a licensed electrician call 0416 235 641 or simply complete the online enquiry form and we will call and arrange to quote your switchboard and electrical requirements. Our charge out rate remains the same during the week, weekends and after hours, so don’t hesitate to contact us today!