If you’re searching for the best licensed electrician in the Brisbane area and surrounds (Alderley, Ashgrove, Bardon, Newmarket, Paddington, Stafford, The Gap), look no further than Allyn White Electrical.
What To Do When a Switchboard Fails?
If you notice anything out of the ordinary in your switchboard, such as smoke, buzzing, humming or the safety switches and circuit breakers continually tripping, you need to call a licensed electrician immediately.
Will you need to replace your existing switchboard or upgrade to a new one?
First, the problem needs to be identified within your electrical system. The most common problem is the overheating of the switchboard and the cables within it. Faulty switchboards also lead to the circuit breaker tripping out more often and can cause an unsteady electricity supply.
These factors were quite common in older switchboards, and if you still have one of those, it is time to switch to safer options. If these problems are identified, the best solution is to replace the board before it causes a major breakdown or even a fire. In any case, you need to rely on the professional advice of an experienced electrician who knows how to upgrade your switchboard.
Electrical Fault Hazards
Faulty electrical switches and wiring can cause dangerous situations to an electrician attending and the property itself and is a major, potentially lethal hazard. It can cause fires, electrocutions, and serious injuries. Faulty wiring is a common cause of electrical issues and if left for too long, it can result in damage to your home, or pose a safety hazard. In the event that you suspect a wiring issue, it’s essential that you call an electrician as soon as possible.
The pictures below show bad connection practices where the insulation has been stripped too far back and has left exposed wires at the Residual Current Device (RCD). This is why it’s important to make sure you engage a Fully Licensed Electrician to install extra power points or equipment that may have a large current rating such as Pumps, Compressors or box Air Conditioner units.

The danger of faulty switchboards | Call a licensed electrian in Brisbane
Photo: Jayden Entreprises
Electrical workers have been injured when they have removed switchboard escutcheon panels from an energised switchboard. As they have removed panels, electrical cables in the switchboard have become dislodged, resulting in an arc flash and causing severe burns.
Electrical Hazard Safety
Queensland’s Electrical Safety Office is reminding electrical workers to carry out a risk assessment before removing switchboard panels. If workers identify any electrical hazards, they must put control measures in place to address the risk of electric shock, explosion or fire.
If you suspect faulty wiring:
• Do not touch the faulty wiring or use the faulty equipment
• Switch off at the power source and disconnect equipment
• Call an Emergency Electrician as soon as possible.
Consult a Licensed Electrician in Brisbane

With over 45 years of experience in all aspects of domestic, industrial, commercial and emergency electrical work, Allyn will be able to assist with your electrical problems in Brisbane.
For a free quote by a licensed electrician call 0416 235 641 or simply complete the online enquiry form and we will call and arrange to quote your switchboard and electrical requirements. Our charge out rate remains the same during the week, weekends and after hours, so don’t hesitate to contact us today!
sources: jaydenenterprises.com, ecdonline.com.au