04 Mar 2021
Blades may not be the first thing you think about when shopping for a new fan, but you may be surprised by how much blades affect both the aesthetics and performance of a ceiling fan. How many ceiling fan blades do you need, though? Whether you are looking for a new ceiling fan or want [...]
25 Feb 2021
Upgrade Your Bathroom Lighting in Brisbane today. Contact Allyn White Electrical for more information.
The bathroom may not immediately come to mind when you’re thinking of upgrading the lighting around your home. Oftentimes, we focus on areas such as the living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and even front yard, neglecting one of the rooms we actually utilise the most in the home — the bathroom! Your bathroom is also a place in [...]
19 Feb 2021
Does your home office need electrical maintenance? Contact a licensed electrical contractor in Bardon and surrounds (Alderley, Ashgrove, Newmarket, Paddington, The Gap) like Allyn White Electrical for all of your electrical problems.
Regular electrical maintenance is important in preventing potential accidents or incidents, the safety of your family and the public, but it can also improve the energy efficiency of your premises and help you save on your commercial power bills. This goes beyond the standard tag and test requirements which is generally done on an annual basis. Whilst [...]
10 Feb 2021
How to save money in Brisbane by switching to LED lights?
With the ever-increasing expense of just keeping a household running, we know that many families are on the lookout for ways to save money. Did you know that your home lighting can account for up to 30% of your power bill? Making smart choices with what type of lighting you use can make a noticeable [...]
28 Jan 2021
Safety Switches - Prevent potential electric shocks. Ensure that you have sufficient safety switch protection for your home or office. Regardless of whether you own or rent, you should consider having safety switches installed on all circuits. Safety switches protect you, your family and anyone visiting the property from electric shock. The risk is real. [...]
10 Dec 2020
A woman checking her smoke alarm. If you need help with your smoke alarms, contact Allyn White Electrical now!
How often have you heard a news report which stated, “There were no working smoke alarms” following a house fire where lives were lost? So sad, but also avoidable! Even if your smoke alarms are cheap and pretty basic, they can definitely be lifesavers. Why Do It? Electronic devices are not infallible. Batteries die, and [...]
10 Dec 2020
A hand holding an LED light bulb. If you need help with LED lightning and installation in Alderley, Ashgrove, Paddington, and Bardon, contact Allyn White Electrical now!

LED lighting technology has developed at a staggering pace over the last several years. Products that were deemed cutting-edge a few years ago have been superseded by others that are superior in every way. Nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of LED downlights. These lights offer a stylish, unobtrusive alternative to traditional […]